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Bite Me!


There’s something about this guy. He’s the one with the old classic Chevy parked along side the bar after a full day catching trout. He doesn’t live in town, but you’ve seen him around. Not much of a talker, sits alone in a booth, orders a 18 year old single malt scotch, then leaves. But he’s a big tipper. The locals know “of him”, sort of. He’s polite, smiles at everyone, speaks when spoken to, and only says what needs saying. All the qualities that make a legend.

Like this shirt, a bit more formal than a standard-issue t-shirt. It’s a classic medium-weight fit with 100% cotton long sleeves that act as a nice frame, and give optimum coverage in warm temperatures when you’re sitting out in the water channel waiting for a rise.


“If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.”  -Sparse Grey Hackle